
Cool Dawn Crescent

We've got a little taster of spring/summer on offer in Sydney today. If you're lucky enough to be close to the water you'll be drawn to it this afternoon when the temp's rise up towards 30 degrees as the winds shift around from the west. Unsurprisingly the beaches and line ups were packed this morning; hard to resist the lure of the ocean on day's like this.

The weather and waves for the weekend are going to be much the same as they're looking today. We're talking warm, sunny days with small but inviting waves.

I forgot to add the link to Monday night's screening of Road To Patagonia in yesterday's email so here it is again - Click here for tickets with all funds going to the legend's at SurfAid.

Tip - if you want to give the dad in your life the coolest, most functional surf hat on the market, dash into Keel Surf & Supply and grab a Cord & Roy hat before they're all gone!

Enjoy this glorious weather!


Pre dawn pool


No shortage of surfers this morning 


Gold on the cliff


Vertical 9


Mellow in the middle


It all starts with the bottom turn... 


Fluro Crew


Jungle Vista


Classic Style


Leafy Bowl


Sunny Swim Club


Wedge Convergence 

Murray Fraser