Bird On A Wire
Don't write them off completely, these summer northerlies have their virtues. For one, they don't attract the kind of crowds that a clean offshore morning draws into the line up. That makes them fertile fields for the grommets, learners and anyone that generally doesn't dig more than 5 people on any given peak. I know the bumps and the bluebottles can be a bugger... but surfing with just a handful of others... in Sydney! Not bad!
Today we've got shoulder-high wind swell from the NE with a light onshore fanning in the bumps. Yeah, it might not be the most appealing surf but everyone out there seemed to be enjoying themselves.
Sunny Dayz
Groms love these days
Virtues of the wind swell
This is Joey
House on the hill catching light
Spin in the wind
Three Palms + Cloud
Anyone for beach tennis?