Yesterday's surge in east swell has eased a touch overnight, making it way more user-friendly. This morning it's head-high with the occasional overhead set wave. Today's the kind of day that should have something for all comers at any time. From a flash of colour at sunrise through to a fullmoon rise at sunset and a luna eclipse just before bed, it's going to be a day full of delights.
The wind is forecast to be offshore and light most of the day. I reckon it'll just keep getting better as the day goes on.
Enjoy the day, it's got all the hallmarks of a good one!
Light finish
Colour Tips
Lex wrapping the rights
Dave - Dad life on the camera
Junior Dave - Hope you got that one mate!
Elevated surf check
Lucas - Cave Dweller
Cavern Hunting
Indi - Nice little right runner
Star Trails
Middle Fiver