5:44 am
Morning! There's a fine Monday unfolding outside. Notice how much time we've got in the morning right now? We're in that sweet window of the year where first light is close to 5am and there's time enough to fit in all your recreational desires plus a double shot of coffee in before work even enters the headspace. We've got two weeks til Daylight saving steals an hour of our morning so be sure to use it.
This morning we have 2ft of east swell pushing in under a light offshore wind. There's clean, fun, small waves to be had if you've got enough foam under your feet. Otherwise, just about any beach or water activity this morning would have been a joy.
If you missed the Volcom Warehouse Sale over the weekend, don't fret, the doors are open at 744 Pittwater Rd, Brookvale all week! Killer deals and clearance prices!
See you out early tomorrow!
Come on in!
Shifting Sea
No Takers
Salty Defuser
Subtle change in direction
Trimming The Pines
Sweet little left
Straight Speed & Trim
Half Way
'Hello Heath