The Numbers
If all the numbers stack up, today's a pretty good day to be using up that flex-time you've been saving, or maybe the winter flu has finally caught up with you. You feel ok? Cough cough. Today's forecast is for sunshine, light and mostly offshore winds with the slowing fading remains of a +10ft swell from the south. All sounds good yeah?
However, reality is painting a slightly different picture. The swell's dipping fast and I'm yet to reach for my sunglasses. But, I can report the wind is a very chilly 10 knots from the west and at first light Queenscliff was doing it's best to muster a handful of 4 footers on the low-tide.
The good news is that the tide's on the way back in now which could push a little more swell our way and the sunshine is coming (they say). I reckon it's going to get a whole lot better... go on, get out there!
Wrong side of the lip
Heath - Slotted
Local’s on the Bommie
Jarrad ducking in for a pre-work rinse
Flared Lip
Perfect Fit
Nathan digging from the deep