
Winter on the rocks

Winter on the rocks

Tough morning out and about. Man, that wind is cold! 20 knots of sou-wester stripping the body of warmth rendering my fingers so stiff I couldn't hold the barrel of the lens. A quick glance out the window or the surf cam's was hardly a motivator this morning. But, persistence pays dividends and the longer I stayed the better the guys that had paddled out were making the waves look. I saw some real good ones!

SurfAid have a new initiative called Make A Wave. It's all about commitment and persistence in the name of improving the lives of communities in remote locations that us surfers visit such as the Mentawai Islands. The commitment is simple; surf, swim or paddle everyday this September, get people on board to inspire you and watch the impact ripple across the water. Sign me up!


Pool Horizon

Pool Horizon

Persistence Pays

Persistence Pays



Hot knife through southerly butter!

Hot knife through southerly butter!

The long way round…

The long way round…

Twin fin turbos

Twin fin turbos

Bower Dwellings

Bower Dwellings




Cut Through

Ben Penny scaring the gulls

Ben Penny scaring the gulls

Palmy Left

Palmy Left

Empty (well almost)

Empty (well almost)

Murray Fraser