Sprout Daily

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Curl + Curl


The south swell is trucking past Sydney this morning and there's plenty of waves about, especially on the beaches exposed to a little more south swell. It's 3ft, with a well spaced-out 5ft set every 10 minutes or so at Curl Curl. The forecast is for light offshore winds most of the day with no storage of sunshine. It's a lively mix of fresh winter air and swell and warm autumn sunshine.

Sincere condolences to the family and friends that lost a father, brother and mate to a shark encounter yesterday up the coast in Tuncurry. As surfers, an encounter with a shark is often on our mind but such a rare event. Sounds like there was a whole lot of courage exhibited by the victim and those that tried to save him.


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Opening the wings

Chain Links

Curly Fly By

Looks kind of warm!

Inside Curls

Feathery Lip

Rail Work Right

Heads Down

Concrete Curve


Golden Peak

Peaks & Plumes

That Corner Light

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