
Colour of Dawn

Really lovely morning out there today. The wind has gently swung around to south westerly and it's cleared out all the humidity and thick hazy air. It felt a little bit like autumn with just a hint of coolness to it; sweet relief from this summer's normal.

Fun little waves about too with leftover swell from the east groomed clean by the light offshore. If you had the right amount of foam under your feet it there were some chubby little lefts and rights running into the shallows. 

We still have a few boxes of 2024 Sprout Calendars. If Santa didn't leave one under your tree, it's not too late to get your hands on one and add it to your wall. Order online for local pick up, or drop into Humphrey's, Patagonia or Aloha Manly.

Have a good one!


Still got a few boxes of the 2024 Sprout Daily Calendar
Order online & collect in Manly

Colour Bands


The Rise




Mid Trim


Sunrise Double


Tom Bennett




Southern Light


Mid Step


Light Pocket


Neat Lines


South Bank

Murray Fraser