Sprout Daily

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Drop (see the last photo for what happens next)

It's warm and humid out there but slipping beneath all that grey steamy air mass is a neat little pulse of 3ft nor'east swell. It's fun, peaky and without even a puff of cooling breeze, it's as glassy as it gets. 

Worth a paddle for sure but take your time as there's plenty of hungry holidays grommets as well as the usual suspects in the line up. 

We're trucking through the 2024 Sprout Calendar. Grab one at Patagonia Manly, Aloha or Humphrey's or order one online and pick up from us directly at Frame Room down the lane behind the library.


Sprout Daily Calendar are now in stock!

Humidity Cleanser  

Billy finishing

Who's the mysto guy hiding behind the curtain??!! 

Tully fully stretched on two fins

Johnny swinging the axe 

See what a beard does for your power turns!


Inside whips 

Will & the candy cane


Sam Nolan making his mark (same wave as the opening one above)

One last look before work....