


Morning! It's a nice one out there today. Sunrise was at 6:17am, theres a wobbly little wind swell being lightly groomed but a 5 knot offshore swirling from various degrees of westerly. Nor'west at dawn, it's sou'wset right now and forecast to swing in from the east later in the day. Maybe best to take advantage of the semi-smooth conditions before the onshore crumbles it.

Tuesday are print days and I've added a couple of new ones to the Recently Added Gallery from a helicopter flight above the beaches one very fine spring day - a couple of new favourites! Have a browse, make an order online and I'll get your print in production straight away. Generally production times are 2-3 days for prints and 2-3 weeks for framed prints.  Got Questions? Shoot me an email!

Have a good one!


Tom on a peachy left

Tom on a peachy left

DJB - Hot one!

DJB - Hot one!

Chats between sets

Chats between sets

TB goes right

TB goes right

Recovery Jives

Recovery Jives

Paulo - Stoked as usual 

Paulo - Stoked as usual

Sneaky Tube Hunts

Sneaky Tube Hunts

Shorey demolition

Shorey demolition

Spring Heads

Spring Heads

Winter - Strong Finishing Touches

Winter - Strong Finishing Touches

Launching above the line

Launching above the line

Murray Fraser