
Foamy Friday!

Foamy Friday!

What a morning we've had; first a wild thunderstorm rolled over in the early hours and now it's dry and calm, almost like all that thunder and lightning didn't even happen. We might even sneak a bit of sunshine in!

There's waves about, way more than I was expecting. It's 2-4ft from the east and the wind's are going to be reasonable friendly most of the day.

I'd like to acknowledge to the traditional custodians of Manly Beach, the Gamaragal. The area of land we now call Manly Cove was traditionally known as Kayyeemy and was said to be among the most densely populated along the Sydney foreshore. With access to both sea and harbour and multiple sources of freshwater the land must have been a source of immense abundance and the culture of the local people rich and diverse. As one of Sydney's most significant sites for the original people of this land, it's devastatingly obvious the impact that the arrival of Europeans has had and continues to have to a connection to country that goes back hundreds of generations for the original people of this land. I'd like to acknowledge the injustices of the past and pay respects to the cultures and connection to country that the original custodians had to the land in which I live and work today. I hope I can find a deeper connection to this place which this acknowledgement. It's NAIDOC Week - Find out what you can.

Have a good weekend - it's going to be sunny and warm!


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