Early Low
Still Waves!
The waves looked good this morning, even on the early low tide (0.6m at 7:37am). There were also some nasty looking, shallow, sandy guillotines but if you want to get tubed you've got to take the good with the bad. I reckon we've got a good figuration of shallow banks and rips at the moment - something to surf on all tides.
The light wasn't amazing for photography first thing this morning and by the time the sun finally got high enough to split the clouds, the rain arrived from the south and I was running for cover. Camera's and rain don't mix so well.
Looks like the weekend should have a nice little run of mid-period east swell, nothing big but hopefully a steady stream of something surfable. There's going to be wind on Saturday afternoon but other times it'll be mostly offshore.
Have a good weekend!
Early Grinds
Kev - Must have jagged a set from the grommets!
Waz swooping on a right set
Saxon - Signature Speed
Double Overhead!
Chris search for an entry point
Rain incoming…
Deep Gouge
North Steyne Funnel
Club House Whip