Sprout Daily

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Two Oh Two One

Sitting in Stillness

After a couple of false starts, a public holiday kind-a long weekend, a big south swell and a whole bunch of talk about COVID, we've already arrived at the first day of February and reality is setting in; 2021 has started. It's not going to be a 'normal' year by any stretch, in fact the only thing we can be sure of is that uncertainty has to be built in to our plans for the year ahead. Change ain't too bad...

This morning's ocean was a picture of glass and stillness, a blue-grey mirror of the moody sky above. It was the kind of glassiness that makes your surfboard feel like it's floating above the ocean rather than through it. There's still a bit of nor'east swell about too. If you've jagged a day off this first of Feb then surfing's probably worth adding to the morning agenda. The wind's going to coming up later in the afternoon.


2021 Sprout Daily Calendars - Down to the last 10!

Lachie - Grab rail and point!



“Say, where’s that rip gone?”

Eye to Eye with a Rare Pink Dophin

Young steez

Young steez

Peter eying a line

Double Flare

Christian - Light as air

Some wind of weird V-Bottom flying by….

Asym Noseride

Layers of Grey

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