Sprout Daily

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:: Yesterday Arvo

Yesterday afternoon the Southerly change came through, the clouds parted, the waves became surfable and the crowds came out in droves to catch a slice of the action.  It was quite an atmosphere in the gallery at Manly Point with people vocally scoring waves with an ohhhh or an ahhhh depending size and degree of triumph or disaster.   There were some solid waves ridden and plenty of water moving keeping everyone in the line-up on their toes.   More coverage at the Sprout Facebook Page This morning it's much the same but the bank in the far Southern Corner wasn't quite doing the same as yesterday afternoon.  Maybe tide was too low.   With light Southerly winds forecast for the day there'll be a few options in the Southern corners and it should improve as the swell settles.

We're in for a good run of swell for the next couple of days through the weekend and beyond.  Good times! Murray