Sprout Daily

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:: Tallow

Joel Fitzgerald's seen a lot of surfing in his 35 years.  Through a grommet's eyes in speedy tow behind his father Terry Fitzgerald, during his own tilt at Professional surfing on the World Tour as well as tackling huge waves at Teahupoo and free surfing for classic surf films such as Andrew Kidman's Litmus. Joel's now living in the hills behind Byron with his wife Chrystal refining and shaping surfboards under his own label Joel Fitzgerald Surfboards.  His healthy approach to life means he's surfing as fast and as powerful as ever but with a shaper's appreciation of surfboard design.

This morning we headed out from his place surrounded in cow paddocks in search of waves.  The wind has swung around to the South but it was light enough for a shot at Tallow's Beach on the more exposed coastline of Byron- maybe The Pass will be working this afternoon.

Catch you tomorrow. ∆ Murray