Sprout Daily

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:: Swim?

Sorry about the late post this morning.  It was one of those mornings where there's so much time to wander and chat and cruise and drink coffee and chat that it just slipped away.  There's not much going on surfing wise unless you're into 1 footers every 10 minutes.  There's plenty of people that are but they've got more patience than me that's for sure. I opted for a quick swim.  If you've been for a dip lately you'd know that the water is cold right now!  Real cold! Coldest it's been all winter I reckon.  That Northerly air flow we had during the week has caused some up-welling of cold water from the deep and it feel like it's about 15 degrees in. It stings the skin but it gets your heart started and washes the sleep from your eyes.

Looks like a bit of wind for tomorrow and then a decent size South Swell for Sunday heading into next week.  Could be something to ride by tomorrow arvo on the south facing beaches.

Catch you tonight at The Steyne or see you next week bright and early. ∆ Murray

PS.  Just wanted to say a huge thanks to everyone that got onboard with the Pozible Project.  Really stoked with the support! The Pozible site will stay live for another few weeks so feel free to jump on a check it out and get in the mix.  Ticket to NY is booked!  Thanks!