Sprout Daily

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:: Sub Tropical

Queensland is such a cool place to be in summer.  35 degree plus days have you melting in shade all the while the hot humid air is drawing up moisture up into towering cumulonimbus clouds.  Yesterday was one such day up at the Sunshine Coast.  The day started out hot and humid, almost unbearable for a Sydneysider acclimatised to a very mild Sydney summer.  But by mid afternoon the wind had changed and the storms were brewing and grumbling out west in the hinterland.  Still it was sunshine and heat on the beaches.  The front that crossed Main Beach Noosa in the afternoon came on so quick that it left the lifeguards scurrying to close the beach, clear the water and pull the flags down.  Ahead of the front the wind was being drawn into the storm then as soon as it was overhead it when calm, then dark, then lightning, then downpour, then even darker!  It was quite the experience and I reckon it left a few overseas tourists rattled.  

This morning a walk through the National Park showed a little bit of the damage from the wind but apart from the odd downed branch and leaves strewn all over the place it was back to normal.  You got to love Queensland in Summer!

Oh, there's no waves up here this morning, it's high-tide and the small Southerly Swell isn't having any impact on the sandy points of Noosa.  Maybe this afternoon.  With 3 foot of ESE swell and a light Southerly there should be some fun waves in Manly today and tomorrow. Hope you're scoring!