Storm Boy

Right now I'm being called for my flight from Male to Singapore so I'll keep it real brief.  We finally had the change in winds we were waiting for but the big swell never really arrived.  Too much West in the swell apparently.   Bit of a bummer but man we had a great time!  We're in the mists of the monsoon season here so we've been having these radical changes swing through in the afternoon.  Big dark storms that come in so fast you can easily get caught out in a full on grey out.  Gav our surf guide kept one eye out for any sign of grey in the sky and as soon as there was it was action stations for the race back to the mother ship. Oh and there's been a handful of fun sessions between sunshine and storms.  Tel you about it later.  Got to go board a plane right NOW~.

Back in Manly Tuesday.  See you then.

∆ Murray

DAILYMurray Fraser