Sprout Daily

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:: S & N

South swell and Northerly winds are always a good reason to leave Manly;  where you go depends on how much time you have.  If you've got a full day you'd go South for sure, heard it's been cooking down there.   If you've only got the morning then you'd be checking the protected North Corners on the Northern Beaches.  There's the odd three footer around and if you can connect with the right stretch of sand there's some shape as well. If you've got 15 minutes today, check out Manly local creative Glen Condie's latest project called Plonk.  It's a piss-take (pardon the pun) of a wine show and the short webisodes star Chris Taylor of The Chaser as host.  Perfect light relief from a day at the office and it goes down real easy.

:: Murray