Sprout Daily

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:: Rolling Over

If you woke up this morning expecting yesterday afternoon's swell to still be pulsing you'd be sorely disappointed.  There's a tiny underlying swell but the strong offshore's have blown it almost flat. If you missed yesterday afternoon's session, there's always tomorrow and tomorrow may well be pumping.  Chart's are showing a jump from 1ft to 4-6ft in the next 24hours.

Everybody's talking about the Supermoon and tonight's the big show when the moon's as close to the earth as it has been in 70 years.  It's only 357,000km's away tonight; that's  180 road trips to Noosa and back and just a touch under what I have on the clock of my '89 VW Transporter.  Back in the day she would have made it easy! Fingers crossed for a clear horizon at 7:07pm tonight.

Our thought's go out to our friends in New Zealand, especially the surf community on the East Coast of NZ's South Island close to the epi-centre of the earthquake.  Stay safe.
