Sprout Daily

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:: Prelude

If it doesn't feel like summer yet, we're going to be in the thick of it tomorrow.  I just glanced at the forecast tomorrow and I thought it must have been some sort of mistake - 38 degrees!  That's seriously toasty and pretty close to a record for Sydney in October.  There's going to be hot and dry westerly winds coming in strong tomorrow - not a bad wind for surfing but not good for bushfires around Sydney.  Good day for a/c or hanging in the shade by a body of water. The waves are pretty small but surfable this morning and there's just a light Nor-Easter ruffling it up.  Logs were probably the craft of choice but the lightweight grommets were still making it work on shortboards.  Oh to be 45kg's again!

28 degree today; just a prelude to tomorrow's scorcher.  Catch you tomorrow somewhere cool. :: Murray