Maldives onboard Ocean Dancer

We're heading off to the Maldives onboard a charter boat called Ocean Dancer.  If you haven't heard of it already, it's probably the best surf charter boat operating in the Maldives.  It's comfort and luxury all round.  You can check out Ocean Dancer at Dates: 31 July - 7 August (middle of peak surf season)

Inclusions: 7nights/7 Days on board Ocean Dancer. All meals prepared at a gourmet standard. Non-aloholic beverages. Airfare with Singapore Alines ex Sydney* Surf Guide

Place are limited to 9 people only.

Sprout Daily photographer will be onboard shooting surfing and will be updating Sprout from onboard Ocean Dancer when internet access is available.

If you're interested in joining us onboard Ocean Dancer shoot me an email