:: *Hello Sunshine


Good morning - how you doing this morning?  I took a swim with a wide angle lens this morning thinking there'd be a couple of little tubes I could take an inside look at.  Problem was at dawn the tide was too high and the recent swell has left some nasty rips and gutters chiseled through the banks.  After 20 minutes of swimming against a rip trying to stay in position on a little rip-bowl lefthander I eventually gave up and let the rip have its way with me.  By the time the rip had run its course I was 150m further North and out past the headland and free to swim shoreward.   Thanks for the offer of a lift in Jack but I think I needed the exercise. So this mornings photos come from the 20 minutes I managed to stay in position. There's 3 foot of South Swell hanging around and the banks are definitely working better on the mid to lower tide.  By mid-morning it was looking a whole lot better than at dawn.

David Maurice Smith's ORIGINS exhibition is opening tonight at Global Gallery in Paddington as part of the Head On Photo Festival.  This personal project has seen Dave go in search of the roots of Hip Hop Culture in New York City.  If you're in town drop in, if you're not make the effort and go check it out.  Dave's documentary photography will take you down the back streets and introduce you to charcters you never thought you'd meet.