Sprout Daily

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:: False Start

Beautiful sunrise this morning, hope you got to see it.  I watched it from mostly from my bedroom window while I searched for my SD cards after a false start leaving the house without them.   Camera's are useless without those little cards inserted.  By the time I got down to the beach for the second time the colour had almost faded and the black and white's today are my little way of denying that there was any colour in the sky at all. The swell was still a little lumpy and bumpy this morning despite a light offshore trying to iron out the bumps.  It's changed now though; looking really glassy out the window right now.  There was 2-3 feet of swell first thing this morning and it's forecast to increase to 4-5 feet during the day from the South.  The wind's also forecast to come up from the South East today so get amongst it now if you can.

∆ Murray