:: Cruising


Super cruisey down on the beach this morning.  Even the sun looked a little lethargic as it slowly rose up from the horizon.  The little pulse of south swell from yesterday seems to have faded and it's been replaced by a limp Nor-East wind swell.  There really wasn't a lot of excitement or energy on offer. Our week ahead is looking up and down on both the swell and weather fronts.  29 degrees but windy tomorrow, 20 degrees Thursday; Nor-East wind swell to start the week and then a fresh South Swell pushing in down the track.  It's that up and down time of the year.

Was stoked when a mate rang me from the Gold Coast to let me know one of my Dolphin pictures had been given a page one berth on The Sydney Morning Herald.  Seems like it was only the out-of-town edition but it's a nice feather in the cap none the less.

:: Murray